Never Did I Ever!

  1. Kay Hoffman says:

    When I was younger and worked as a food server I didn’t worry about my weight, but when I got older and got a job sitting a desk I started to gain the weight. I worked out a little but never really lost any of it. Now I’m 80 years old and retired and I dont do the moving around I use to. I have become lazy. I say I will start walking, but I say it is to hot now so I will wait until it cools down. I just don’t want to really, but I know I should. I don’t eat anymore like I use to. I don’t drink soda anymore and I don’t eat sweets anyway not very often. I eat oatmeal for breakfast which they say is good for the heart. I don’t eat lunch which is probably not a good idea because then the metabolism slows down they say. Then dinner I don’t eat much. So I guess I just don’t really care, but I will try to get better. That is all I can say no promises. I wish you success in your venture Kathy . I remember all those bike rides when I came to visit, you made me tired. We are older now so it may take a little more work. I know you and I know you will do great. Love you

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