the blog

My Secret musings

You might ask, like so many before you, “How do we cope?” The answer is prayer! Lots of prayer, including our own.

December 10, 2023

Airplane Project

My husband, the love of my life, has lots of interests and I am often amazed at how varied they are. I thought I’d put together a little compilation of favorite moments and surprises for your viewing pleasure. Some I was a part of, some I knew about in advance, and  and some I was […]

October 18, 2022

Never did I ever think that I would find myself in my fifties needing to lose a lot of weight.  Afterall, I fought that demon in my early forties, and I thought I won when I took up cycling.  It wasn’t that long ago that I rode 120 miles a week on my Pinarello carbon […]

September 22, 2022

Family Dinner

I live in central California in a home that was built in the 1960s.  Not many homes of that era were built with central air conditioning, and ours is no exception.  For the most part, we get along just fine.  We have a couple of portable air conditioners in our home that take the edge […]

September 5, 2022

I am one that will work hard to make my dream a reality.  As I am striving toward this new goal of becoming a successful author, I am reminded of others who have worked hard to make their dreams a reality as well.  In particular, I thought of Sandra Lee.  Sandra Lee is an acclaimed […]

Waiting or Working Towards Dreams

August 21, 2022

Gratitude Graphic

One of my favorite people to listen to is Steve Harvey.  He is not only funny, but he is wise, and he is able to communicate his wisdom in a way that is humble and impactful.  Another reason that I like Steve Harvey is because he talks so much about gratitude.  He reminds me that […]

August 18, 2022

My sweet Clarabelle had to have a minor surgery yesterday.  I noticed that her foot was bleeding, but she would not let me get close enough to see what was going on.  I took her to the veterinarian and he had the same problem. He recommended that we put her under assuming that it was […]

August 17, 2022

Meal Delivery vs From Scratch

Have you ever tried a meal home delivery service?  There are many types available, and they have a wide range of prices. I’ll be honest, I was looking for a way to gain some time back in the day.  I work full time and have a two-hour commute, and that doesn’t leave much time when […]

August 16, 2022

Did you know that today was National Relaxation Day.  Maybe you’re like me and you almost missed it.  Well, I think that entitles us to take a rain check for sure.  Maybe next weekend?  What did you do for National Relaxation Day, or what do you plan to do in the future?

August 15, 2022

Clarabelle at the Dog Park

Like many, my weekend consisted of chores, and cooking, and for me, it included the dog park too. But I also had a breakthrough moment this weekend, and I thought it was worthy of sharing. I struggle with healthy eating; I know a lot of us do. I am a self-acknowledged chocoholic and there are […]

August 14, 2022