the blog

My Secret musings

My husband, the love of my life, has lots of interests and I am often amazed at how varied they are. I thought I’d put together a little compilation of favorite moments and surprises for your viewing pleasure. Some I was a part of, some I knew about in advance, and  and some I was […]

Airplane Project

October 18, 2022

Perm, Russia

Luka Volkov is the Renegade in my book The Renegade’s Daughter – The Life She Never Knew.  He is from Russia, but with all the suspense and intrigue, we do not explore where he is from or where he lives in the first book.   We know that he and his brother Oleg operate a factory […]

August 28, 2022

Kathryn Mathis shares about the self-publishing process and her experience recording an audiobook with Scott Lambert for

August 12, 2022