the blog

My Secret musings

As you might already know, my kidneys are failing, and I need a kidney transplant.  As daunting as that sounds, I am not worried.  While it has been a tumultuous time with emotional highs and lows, and lots of anxiety, I am so clearly in the hands of God and I am ready for whatever […]

March 12, 2024

Airplane Project

My husband, the love of my life, has lots of interests and I am often amazed at how varied they are. I thought I’d put together a little compilation of favorite moments and surprises for your viewing pleasure. Some I was a part of, some I knew about in advance, and  and some I was […]

October 18, 2022

Inauguration AUGUST 11, 2022 I am Kathryn Mathis. I have worked in financial services most of my life, and I write too. I re-married in 2016 and I now have four stepchildren and two sons of my own. I thought of writing a blog a while back. My idea was to call it “Leap Before […]

August 10, 2022